Some Cultures in Indonesia

  • Which Hand – When offering or accepting something, Indonesian only use the right hand. To offer or accept something with the left hand might be taken as an insult. Don’t wave or point with it either.
  • Many times Indonesians will ask you a question which Americans would consider too personal. For example, “How old are you?”, “How much did your watch cost?”, etc. You don’t have to give a detailed answer. Also, don’t be offended when people ask, “Where are you going?” It is culturally the same as “How are you doing?” You don’t have to be specific with your answer.
  • Emptying your glass completely will make your host feel they have to give you some more. It’s good  to leave a little in the bottom of your glass unless you want some more. When you are really ready to leave a house, you can finish the drink completely.
  • It is advisable to carry around a small supply of toilet paper. Many public and private bathrooms do not have toilet paper available.
In most houses, Indonesian don’t have any shower or bath tube. And also some houses or places use a squat toilet and no toilet paper.
Mostly at the big mall they have sitting toilet
  • Please put something with gentle. Don’t throw the things and don’t be rough.

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